Anticipating the arrival of the holy month of Ramdhan and Eid ul-Fitr 1430 AH with the prediction that the level of SMS pengriman will increase dramatically as vendors oprator XL mengeluarka mobile SMS packages to compete with other operators and of course with a relatively cheap price.
tersebuat packages include:
Package 1:
Hours 12 am-5 pm wib send 500 sms only pay Rp 1,500, --
Package 2:
Day tell 500sms cuman pay Rp 2,000, --
Package 3:
2 days cuman send 500 sms to pay Rp 3000, --
Package 4:
7 days cuman send 500 sms to pay Rp 5,000, --
tags: cheap sms package xL, ramadhan greetings xl, xl cheap surprise sms, sms package XL launch cheaper
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saya udah nyoba daftarin beberapa kali udah dapat jawaban ehhhh taunya tetep motong pulsa reguler!